
Thank you for your intention to give, you've arrived at the right page. Also thank you so much for your financial support if you are already giving regularly. We could not fulfil our God-given vision without your generous offering of your time, talents and finance. 

We would like to encourage our RLC 'Members' to contribute to the vision and work of the church and the activities associated with it by prayerfully setting up a Direct Debit or a Standing Order which helps with budgeting and planning ahead.

How can I give?

You can give in different ways:

One-Off donations

  • Via our Donate button at the top of this website 'home' page.
  • Via our RLC App by going to Click on the heart icon button.
One-Off donations & Regular Giving
  • At our Sunday Services by cash or cheque (payable to Rye Lane Baptist Chapel). Place in the Offering bags via the Stewards. However, you could really help us by
  • arranging for a One-Off gift by BACS or by setting up regular giving by Direct Debit via your Bank/Building Society or online Bank.  
Here is our Barclays bank details as Payee:

Account name: Rye Lane Baptist Chapel
Sort Code: 20-66-51
Account Number: 00797642

Reference for your: 
One-off Gift - ref: 1Off <initial Surname> OR for set up of a
Direct Debit - ref: DD <
initial Surname> OR for set up of a 
Standing Order - ref: SO <initial Surname>

If you haven't already done so we would be grateful if you would fill in a Gift Aid declaration form downloadable here, to complete and email back to:, please reference subject 'Giving'.

Thank you so much!

For more information or support please get in touch with us on our 
Contact page.

Email Address: